Placeholder Ingredient
- In a small pot, cover the peas with just enough water, add mint, garlic and a pinch of salt. Bring to a simmer. Cook until soft, drain and puree with half the butter, adjust seasoning and pass through a fine sieve.
- Season the lamb loin with salt and pepper. Heat a medium fry pan, add a bit of oil and sear the outside of the lamb loin until nicely caramelised and brown. Continue turning and cook until medium rare, remove from pan to rest.
- Deglaze the pan with red wine until nearly evaporated. Add remaining butter and swirl. Add the glaze and simmer for 2 minutes. Remove from heat.
- Wash the kale and dry. Fry lightly in hot oil, place on draining paper.
- To serve: Warm four plates. Slice the lamb loins on an angle. Place a large spoon of minted pea puree in the centre of the plate and spread in a circle. Arrange the lamb over this and drizzle with meat glaze. Garnish with crispy kale and fresh garden flowers.